Posts from 2019

Posts from 2019

From One Parent to Another

Earlier today I had my first one-on-one parenting skills session with my new client. It is also my first client for a new job that I started earlier this month. I was encouraged in my training to evangelize the clients and to see the job as a ministry. In the first session, I decided to start off by having the mom (let’s call her Angela) tell her story, how she got to this point where her children are in DCS…

Praying for the Harvest

Around the end of July during one of the Wednesday night Bible studies, Kyle discussed obstacles in sharing the Gospel. The study made me reflect on the places I frequent and the people I regularly see there. More importantly, the study brought to my attention that I was not praying for opportunities to share the Gospel. During my private time the following morning, I made a prayer list that included praying for opportunities to share the Gospel along with specific…

A Link in the Chain

When Jesus issued to us the call to make disciples, it was not just an individual, but also a corporate call.  As part of the same universal church and even the same local church, God has given us the privilege to work in close connection with one another in our disciple making. By God’s grace, we can accomplish so much more working together than we ever could apart. We each have a unique role to play in helping each other (and…

Prompted by the Spirit

I had an appointment to perform a pest service with a client on Thursday. I texted him on Wednesday night to confirm our time frame. At that time, he had invited me to an event that evening. I told him I could not make it as I attend Bible study on Wednesday nights. He asked what denomination our church was, and I told him that we go to a Southern Baptist church called The Way. When I arrived at his…

Even A Child Can Share

Recently, as part of our “Light Of The World” campaign, we had a Gospel presentation from Ty Hall, a child within our church. May you be encouraged by hearing a little bit of that story. Q: Who did you tell about Jesus? A: My friend named Alex. Q: What were you doing that gave you the chance to talk about Jesus? A: We were talking about all the things that live in the desert. Q: What did you tell him…

Sharing the Gospel with a Side of Lunch

A while back, I was hungry and decided to stop at Subway for some lunch. As I was walking up to the door, I noticed a man sitting against the wall with a large camping backpack. He was obviously homeless. As soon as I saw him, I decided to purchase him some food and eat lunch with him. My plan was to split my sandwich with him. I ordered my sandwich. As soon as I was done paying, I noticed…