Lord’s Day Worship

Lord’s Day Worship

Service Time

Join us every Lord’s Day (Sunday) at 10:30am in our Worship Center.


The Pastors/Elders of The Way all deliver expository sermons.  This means that we preach through a section of the Bible and center the theme of the sermon on that text of scripture.  We typically work our way through an entire book of the Bible over the course of many weeks or months.  We believe that this method of teaching leads you, the listener, to receive a much more full counsel of God’s word than other methods of preaching.

We also firmly believe that all Scripture points to Jesus, so we work through books of both the Old and New Testaments.  To listen to a recent message, click here.


We believe congregational singing is important.  It’s one way we communicate and memorize the truths found in scripture.  Our music is simple and includes both modern songs and hymns.  We strive to choose songs which can be easily sung by the entire congregation so that you don’t have to be a great vocalist to be part of the singing.  We also leave the lights on, to communicate that this singing is something we do together, as a church.  It’s not an individual time of listening to music, it’s an opportunity to proclaim biblical truths to one another.


Children are the future of the church.  We believe scripture teaches that parents are the primary disciple makers of their children.  Because of this, children of all ages are not only invited, but encouraged to attend worship services with their parents.  Children’s sermon note pages and activity sheets are available.  We also encourage parents to use each service as an opportunity to talk about Biblical truths with their children.  Nursery and Preschool care is available for younger children.


Dress is generally casual, but we invite you dress more formally if you wish.

Guest Welcome Ramada

As you pull into our parking lot, you will immediately see our Guest Welcome Ramada next to the Worship Center.  A friendly face will welcome you, and answer any questions you might have.  If you would like to learn more about the church, please fill out a communication card and drop it in an offering plate during the service.