Sharing the Gospel in Our Local Community

Sharing the Gospel in Our Local Community

Jesus calls us to make disciples, as we are going (Matthew 28:19-20). This means, we are to make disciples as we travel from one sphere of influence into another, from one local community into another. One of my small communities is Trader Joe’s.

A couple months ago, while we were still in our series on the Spiritual Disciplines, I went into Trader Joe’s to get a few things. But before I left for the store, I prayed for God to bring someone into my life with whom I could share the Gospel.

And so, while I was checking out, the cashier—let’s say his name is “Joe”—asked if he could help bring my things out. Now, usually, I would say, “No,” because I am completely capable of doing such things myself. But this time, I agreed.

While at my car, Joe shared with me some of his struggles. We didn’t have much time, but I was able to share with him my faith in the God of the Bible, the reality of the sinful broken world, and our need for Jesus Christ. And then I prayed for Joe. I prayed for God to draw Joe closer to Jesus and that God would help him during his family struggles.

This was an answer to my prayer.

In August, I saw Joe a couple times in the store. We would have brief conversations about his family and God. When September came along, Kyle offered a challenge to the church membership to share the Gospel with one person. He said we need to do be doing more than just having little conversations with people but inviting them to coffee or lunch and having real Gospel conversations with them.

In the middle of September I saw Joe again in the store. This time I was with my family, and Ali was with me. I shook Joe’s hand and told him it was good to see him. And then, I asked him if he could meet over coffee to talk more about Jesus. Joe had a big smile come over his face. He said, “Sure thing.” We exchanged numbers, and he looked at Ali and smiled.

The following week we met for coffee. Joe shared his struggles with his family. I told him about the God of the Bible. Joe said he believed in God and had repented and trusted in Christ, just like I had talked about in our initial conversation in the parking lot of Trader Joe’s.

We turned in the Bible to 1 Corinthians 15 and read about Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. We then went to Romans 10 about professing Jesus as Lord and Savior. Joe said he believed. However, he said his wife rejected Jesus when he had shared the Gospel with her. I asked Joe about what church he was going to, but he said he wasn’t going anywhere right now. He was moving in a little while to California to stay with his brother.

My intentions are to meet up with Joe again when he gets back to Arizona, ensure he finds a local church, and continue to disciple him.

What is the take-away in all of this? I prayed for an opportunity to share the Gospel, and God provided an opportunity. This was not the first time I had met Joe. He was my cashier in the past, as well. And so, sometimes, it’s just a matter of praying and looking for ways in which we might take the Gospel from one local community into another—like a grocery store, restaurant, or coffee shop.

Pray with me for “Joe,” to get connected with a local church. And continue praying for more opportunities for you to share the Gospel in your community.