"Second Sundays" Tagged Sermons

"Second Sundays" Tagged Sermons

2 Peter 1:16-21: Power and Majesty

Peter was a witness to the true power and majesty of Christ at the Transfiguration. As we progress through 2 Peter, Pastor Don McAllister helps us see what this power and majesty means to us.

Revelation 9:1-12: The Fifth Trumpet

The Fifth Trumpet is unique in Revelation. It is the only time that John states those in Christ will be protected from the coming tribulation. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains how many churches have taken this to mean Christians will not be troubled, but that this is not what this Scripture or the Bible as a whole promises those who follow Jesus.

Second Sundays – Thomas Linton

Second Sundays are designed to give some of our younger leaders a chance to learn to share from God’s Word within the context of the Church. It is a training ground for new leaders. This month, Thomas Linton shares from Mathew 7 what it means to build our house on the wisdom of the Word. Second Sundays

Second Sundays – Erik Maness

Second Sundays are designed to give some of our younger leaders a chance to learn to share from God’s Word within the context of the Church. It is a training ground for new leaders. This month, Erik Maness uses Psalm 130 to show us the depths of both our sin and God’s mercy. Second Sundays

1 Kings 19:1-8: Afraid, Tired, Done

Immediately after God showed the nation of Israel and Elijah that He is all powerful, Elijah flees Israel for fear of Jezebel. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley uses this story to show how we often end up falling, because we do not put our trust in God. 1 Kings 19:1-8