Sermons by Scott Gourley (Page 34)

Sermons by Scott Gourley (Page 34)

Scott earned his Doctor of Ministry from Gateway Seminary in 2019, his Master of Divinity from Gateway Seminary in 2011, and his Bachelor of Arts in Creative Arts in Worship from Grand Canyon University in 1998. Scott taught English for 10 years at Washington High School and two years at Landmark Middle School. During this time, he was also the lead singer for a Christian ministry band (Poetshaker) and served the local church as a youth minister, music minister, and small group leader. In 2007, Scott planted The Way Fellowship Church. He currently teaches Christian Character Formation at Grand Canyon University and leads the Regional Pillar Network in Arizona. Scott has been married to his beautiful wife, Christy, for 19 years. They have three boys—Geoffrey, Jonathan, and Jacob—and a princess, named Mia.

Ephesians 3:7-13 Servants of the Gospel

Paul makes some pretty strong comments in his letter to the Ephesians about the role we play in making disciples. Pastor Scott looking at these statements more closely in this week’s sermon. Ephesians 3:7-13

Ephesians 2:1-10 Sola Gratia (By Grace Alone)

The beginning of Ephesians Chapter 2 contains one of the more well known versus of the Bible. Pastor Scott takes a look at this famous passage to examine just what the implications of being saved by grace alone are. Ephesians 2:1-10

Ephesians 1:15-23: A Pastoral Prayer

Pastor Scott resumes this series on Ephesians with a prayer that Paul includes in his letter for the church in Ephesus. This week’s sermon examines what we can learn from that prayer today. Ephesians 1:15-23

Genesis 22:1-22 Here I Am

We all know the story about Abraham being willing to sacrifice Isaac, but do we fully understand the implications of this story in our lives? Pastor Scott addresses that in this week’s sermon. Genesis 22:1-22

Luke 1:39-56 The Magnificent Savior

It took a lot of faith for Mary to believe she was going to give birth to the Son of God. This week, Scott looks at how God helped strengthen Mary’s faith and what we can learn from it. Luke 1:36-59

Isaiah 9:1-7: The Long Awaited Messiah

As children, we often waited with great longing for Christmas morning and the chance to open our presents. Israel awaited the coming messiah in much the same way. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Scott explains how we should share in that longing. Isaiah 9:1-7