Revelation 20:1-11: The Dragon – Bound, Released, and Tormented

Revelation 20:1-11: The Dragon – Bound, Released, and Tormented

In Revelation 20, we come to the part of the story where Satan is finally judged. There have been various interpretations of these verses throughout the years, and in this week’s message, but in the end, the important part is Jesus will reign and Satan will be defeated. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley takes the time to present some of these interpretations and how we as Christians should view this passage.




Below are the four main ways that the Millennial reign of Christ have been argued. You can click on each image to enlarge, or you can click on the “Save” button above and then click on the “PDF” to download a PDF of all of this information on one source.

Classical Premillennialism

Christ will return before the millennium and physically rule on the earth.



Pretribulational Premillennialism (Dispensationalism)

Christ will return a first time (before the tribulation) to rapture the saints and then return a second time (before the millennium) and physically rule on earth.





The Church will experience more and more success with the Gospel until the world is converted, and then Christ will return, the saints will be resurrected, and Satan will be thrown into hell, and there will be a new heaven and earth.





Amillennialism (Inaugurated Millennium)

The Kingdom is now, and Satan’s power has been greatly diminished because King Jesus is the ultimate Sovereign. There will be an increase in tribulation until the Lord physically returns and then resurrects the saints, judges the unrepentant, casts Satan into hell, and creates a new heaven and earth.