Sermons on Psalms (Page 2)

Sermons on Psalms (Page 2)

Psalm 40:1-17: Giving Thanks to God

As we approach Thanksgiving, we tend to think of many different things for which we are thankful. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall uses Psalm 40 to show us that should be thankful to God first and foremost. Psalm 40:1-17

Psalm 118: Give Thanks to the Lord

How often do we recognize that the circumstances we are in are a gift from God, whether they are good or bad. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley uses Psalm 118 to show us how we should praise God no matter what we are facing. Psalm 118

Second Sundays – Erik Maness

Second Sundays are designed to give some of our younger leaders a chance to learn to share from God’s Word within the context of the Church. It is a training ground for new leaders. This month, Erik Maness uses Psalm 130 to show us the depths of both our sin and God’s mercy. Second Sundays

Psalm 135: Praise the Lord

Psalm 135 focuses on God and why we should be praising Him, but this world tends to lead us to praise other things. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares why we should praise God using this Psalm as a backdrop. Psalm 135

Psalm 89:49-52: Justice for the Unjust

When we are mocked, hurt, or treated unjustly, we often want to strike back at those who treated us that way. In Psalm 89, however, the writer cries out to God about the mockery being done to his anointed, a direct prophecy of what would happen to Jesus as He was prepared for the Cross. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley connects this Psalm with the description of what Jesus faced in Matthew 27:26-31. Psalm 89:49-52

Psalm 99: Worship of a Holy God

We tend to downplay the holiness of God, but understanding that He is Holy and just what that means is essential if we are truly going to worship Him. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall talks about what it means to worship a holy God. Psalm 99: Worship of a Holy God

Psalm 65: Praise Is Due Your Name

The Psalms are filled with cries, please, and praise to God. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains through Psalm 65 why God is owed our praise. Psalm 65

Psalm 80 Restore Us, O Lord

The coming of the Messiah was a message of peace, but during the Christmas season, peace can be hard to find. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley reminds us of the true peace only Christ can give. Psalm 80

Psalm 42: I Shall Again Praise Him

We start this Advent Season with the focus on Hope. There are times in our life that Hope seems so far from us, yet we as Christians should always see hope in Christ. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how we can do this in the midst of our present struggles. Psalm 42

Psalm 67: May God Be Gracious to Us

What is the ultimate mission of the Church? How do we reach out to a lost world and show them the risen Christ? In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley examines this question and presents a different light on the answers to these questions. Psalm 67